Meeting Eloiwa

Meeting Eloiwa
Moving Into the Stillness

Being a Light in the Voyage of Remembrance

It is with deepened awe, that I have the opportunity to be here 'NOW'. Throughout my life, I have meandered along many paths of discovery, learning, experience, heart-ache, truimph, deep dives, JOY beyond words, miracles, mystery, and full embrace of unknown chasms that held difficult crossings. It is with absolute beauty, that in the breath of Now - I am absolutely 'new'.
While my voyage might describe my 'experiences' of finding my way back to full remembrance of my True Self, all that I have 'been' are merely remnants of 'old skins'. Just as a butterfly emerges from her cocoon, fully contained in the emptiness of divine potentiality, -so too am I emerging. I have greeted the emptiness with awe, with full knowing that in the place of this infinite sea of no-thingness, I create myself NEW.

I am dedicating this BLOG, to the new breath of magnificent light that we each hold within us -at the heart of our True Self. As I celebrate the beauty of YOU, .. i celebrate the beauty within ME. May we come to a place now, through the deep thickets and thorns of old .. blazing a trail -full of LIGHT .. full of TRUTH .. full of the truth of LOVE that we are!

A kin to the the journey of the Labyrinth, we wind .. and unwind ourselves from the outer edges of our 'old life'. We set our gaze within .. to the core of our Beingness. With conscious presence - one foot, then another .. we walk through the passages of precious ebbs and flow of our own silent movement. As we breathe .. as we bring forth our conscious Breath, .. we ignite the stillness and openness to truly 'hear' .. - the voice of our True Self speaking.

In this sacred center of our infinite Being, may be allow ourselves to root within the breath of Light and origin of truth we are.
Our homecoming .. awaits - as we dive into the cradling heart of Infinite love that enfolds us. With wings outstretched, we soar in the carressing song of the lullabye of Light. In a movement of deepened wonder, we re-unite with - our divine and Holy child within .. and FULLY celebrate our gift of being the heart, .. the hands .. the outbreath ..of Divine -expressed forth.

To us, sacred dancers, precious soaring Angels of Light - may be move inward to seek out the promised Treasure that awaits our remembrance.

Blessed be - to the Heaven that is within.
In the Heart and breath of Infinite Holy,

Unwinding Myself

A Miracle of Divine Grace

It is through rich awakening and discovery, that Eloiwa stepped into partnership with her heart and soul ministry of Sound Healing. In the spirit of absolute mystery of surrender, a blessed Celtic harp led the way to deep transformation and remembrance as she tapped into ancient cellular pathways of light and sound. Through this partnership of discovery, Eloiwa recognized that she is a open heart-channel, herself a "hollow reed" for which waves of healing, awakening, comfort and peace are brought forth.
Eloiwa joyfully offers service in a ministry of Sound Healing. Her unique gifts bring forth vibrations and frequencies to assist in the inward journey of Remembrance: the truth, magnificence and beauty of our radiant True Self -manifest.
The gentle current of Light and Sound - assist in moving us inward, allowing our 'minds to quiet' -that we might find our true breath of stillness . In this 'new breath' - we meet up with the innate peace that resides within.

Eloiwa's Discovery

Eloiwa didn't study at Julliard or any other traditional academy of Music. She simply walked into a music store less than a decade ago, found herself immediately and inexplicably attracted to a harp, sat down at it and began to play. What ensued can best be termed "an awakening". This journey of awakening to sound as a vehicle for healing and transformation has been one rich with absolute awe and humility.
The journey of the discovery of her "inner song" has carried her to share this sacred voice by the bedsides of the ill and dying, in community circles, gatherings and across the world -to far away Scotland and Australia's Outback.

Eloiwa 's Offerings of Light & Sound

Journey's of the Heart: Facilitating transformational healing workshops & retreats, Healing Facilitator -shepherding the voyage of our True Self remembered, Certified Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator, Sound Healing, Spiritual Coach, Therapeutic Music Intuitive, Founder of Heart Sounds: A Ministry of Love & Light through Sound
Weaving a sound stream of Infinite love, through the sacred voices of the Celtic double-strung harp, crystal bowls, tuning forks, Native American Flute and keyboard. Eloiwa offers a personalized "soul song’ session to activate and awaken your path of healing, empowerment and heart expansion.

Offering private sessions (live and remote), Healing retreat Facilitator, Ceremonial Sound Circles, Community Healing Circles

Every Breath.. Moves Us Toward the

Heart of Our True Self

It is the movement inward, that allows us the stillness to recognize the 'whispers of our True Self'. Here, in this delicate place of reflection, Being, listening and witnessing, we connect with our 'centerpoint' of True Light.
A Kin to the journey of the Labyrinth, we unwind ourselves from the illusion of separation -and move toward the Center of truth: We are One. We are Love embodied. The Kingdom of Heaven - is discovered 'within'.

Eloiwa's Personalized Offerings

Voyage to the Heart of Our True Self

∞Integrative Coach
∞Music Intuitive - Sound Healing
Veriditas-Certified Labyrinth Facilitator, Workshop &
Retreat development and facilitation
∞Intuitive Composer, Individualized Soul Songs
& Personalized Sound Meditations

The Way is Within

COACHING SESSIONS: Personalized Individual Sessions– Eloiwa is an intuitive Integrative Coach, assisting you in connecting with & empowering your inner pathway of peace, harmony & wholeness. Uncover the roots of your authentic True Self and live consciously, whole and ‘on purpose’.
With over twenty years of coaching experience, advocacy & compassionate support to individuals and diverse populations, Eloiwa offers a bridge beyond the traditional model of facilitation. Your personalized sessions are a shepherding toward the ‘movement of deepened exploration of your True Self ‘and the partnering with -your Inner Healer. We’ll open a ‘tool box’ together, to assist You in navigating, claiming, and celebrating your Life on purpose.
“It’s All about You”.
Specialized Sessions Available for Couples & Families – assisting you in re-connecting with your core of harmony, retrieving the gifts and treasures within yourself and partnering in conscious communion.

The Ministry of Heart Sounds

Heart Sounds is a ministry dedicated to the path of inner discovery & awakening consciousness of our True Selves; as well - honors and celebrates the journey of re-discovering the SACRED in our ordinary lives.

Heart Sounds offers tools for this journey inward, through guided meditation journeys, "walking meditations', Labyrinth journey's, inner pilgrimages, silent retreats & experiential workshop geared to open our pathways of inner peace, and the deepened Remembrance of our True Self.

Scholarships are offered ongoing to individuals by request, for healing assistance, spiritual coaching and transformational retreats and workshops. Eloiwa offers regular 'Labyrinth Journeys, Crystal Bowls & Sound Meditations' to communities by request that honor the sacred voyage and remembrance of our True Self.

To Schedule a Personalized Session with Eloiwa


We are the gateway of the joyous dance of Heaven.
As we voyage to this heart of our True Self, our brilliant Light
offer a beacon of infinite Remembrance.

Celebrating Breaths of Light Within

Celebrating Breaths of Light Within
the Labyrinithian whispers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Celebration of New Light

A Celebration of Light


Photo Offered by Laure Huston, "Reflections of Light"

As we move into this breath of 'new light', may we find solace and great peace. Inward, our movement carries us, allowing us to truly glimpse the beauty of our 'jewel of Light' within. May we gently cradle the wellspring of our heart, as we 'dance' forth - the magnificent splendor of our True Self.

It is with such infinite gratitude, that I celebrate you. Your gift of Being has moved my heart and soul - with awe, .. with inspiration, ..and with love.

This has been a year of profound change for me: rocking me to the foundation of my Being. As I voyage these unchartered waters in the breath of wonder, letting go endlessly - i am birthed new in a spirit of utter remembrance and Light.
In this eternal moment, I am celebrating this homecoming, like a prodigal daughter. Here now, i am turning toward the truth of the exquisite gift of wholeness that resides within me.

What JOY .. that we might 'dance' the splendor and mystery of our deepened within! My prayer for us, .. is that we might find a pause of 'stillness' in the swift current that is flowing throughout the world. In this stillpoint, may be BREATHE .. deeply -- and savor the sweetness of light in this moment:

holy, whole, full.

May we 'dream our dream' .. and embrace our heart's call. In our journey inward, may be connect with the divine Light of fullness that we are One with...
and sing out - the Song of our Soul.

In the heart of One Light of Holy ..
my deepest of gratitude .. and love -outpouring,

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